Divorce Mediation, Wills & Probate

In divorce mediation, the goal is to arrive at a fair settlement outside of the court process. The attorney mediator does not represent either party; instead, she collaborates with both parties to address all the required issues. With the assistance of the mediator, the divorcing couple can tailor their agreement to their specific needs and concerns. The mediator is able to offer options and guidance based on her long-term experience in family law.

Attorney Doherty assists the parties in completing the required documents, explains court procedures and deadlines, and prepares the parties for the divorce hearing. The final hearing is approximately a 20 minute event, where the judge reviews the papers and the agreement. The Judge issues his orders for the final judgment, which mirrors the parties’ settlement agreement. Thus the divorcing couple remains in control of the final outcome.

Which divorcing couples are going to benefit from mediation?

those who want a swift, low-cost and fair divorce;

those who want to keep their lives and financial situations confidential private;

those with children, because mediation reduces acrimony and marital tension during the divorce, and there are many important, long-term issues to be decided concerning the children;

those with assets, including pension and real estate, because mediation provides a private, low-key negotiating opportunity for a fair division of property; and

those who want help with convoluted court procedures, and confusing forms, because small clerical mistakes can considerable time and aggravation.